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Why Should I Vote?

Why Should I Vote?
October 27, 2020 Kili'ohu Robis
In Uncategorized

With Elections coming up in November, it is very important that our nation votes. It is our responsibility as citizens to vote, so that we can have a good President and Vice President. The law does not require citizens to vote, but many citizens do because voting is a way to voice to the government what we want.  Voting is an important part of democracy and the democratic process. Citizens vote for leaders to represent them and their ideas, and leaders support citizen interests. As an almost twenty year old, I’ve always thought that voting was important. It should be taken seriously because when our loved ones pass away, things are handed down to us.  We have to take matters into our own hands to pick up the pieces that were left behind. The year I turned eighteen, It was already too late for me to vote because my birthday fell past elections and I remembered getting frustrated that I couldn’t send a vote in even though I was old enough.  Voting was a part of growing up, knowing I could eventually help change things along the way. Some people think that voting doesn’t matter because they feel that their vote doesn’t count and won’t make a difference. We have to remember that not long ago most of us today weren’t even allowed to vote.

Women didn’t have the right to vote until the year 1920. The 19th amendment legally guarantees American Women the right to vote. This was a huge milestone and it was very difficult to get the law passed. Many women wrote, marched and practiced civil disobedience to achieve rights. The fact that women tried so hard to vote, makes me proud to have that ability to vote myself.  Not only are you doing this for yourself, but you are also doing this for generations to come.  Setting an example for the younger generation is so important.  Do you understand what you are voting about?  Sometimes people just fill in the ballot forms to get it over with.  Your vote is your voice on issues affecting housing, education, employment, and healthcare.

You have the power to decide on the quality of life you want for yourself and future generations to come. Stand up for the issues you care about like public transportation, raising minimum wage, or funding local schools. These elections are decided by the people who go out and vote. Take some time and learn about the measures and the candidates. If you don’t vote, someone else will make that decision for you. Your power is in your vote and you can make a difference. Want to make an impact-voting gives you that chance. Support the candidates who can help your community and state for the greater good. The community that we live in are made up of friends, loved ones, neighbors and children. Some may not know how important voting is, while others don’t have the privilege to vote. If you don’t want to vote for yourself, at least vote for the people around you.

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