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“DEATH” by Emily Parker

“DEATH” by Emily Parker
November 9, 2017 Nā Leo Literary Review


Emily Parker



A midnight Raven pecks away the remains

of what used to be living.

There is no haven to be found now.

There is no warm bosom and no warm milk.


No longer is this my mother.


Thoughts run through me, like deer in a frosted forest floor.

The reaper hunted her

and his aim was accurate.

After his kill, he strapped her to the roof of his truck and rode off into

the sunset.


Her bruised beat-less heart, battered and bewildered,

reached the end of the novel.


I now gather sage in the meadow and set it afire.

“Smudge it all,” I say to the forest.

“We all will be hunted.”




Emily is a UHMC student currently taking English 104, Introduction to Creative Writing, taught by Paul Wood.

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