Shadow Knows
By Tiare Devenot
My shadow
comes early
in the mornings,
her skin glows in rays,
not brighter than eyes, alert
like dew. She could catch the sun
with a quick snapping grin,
teeth polished like pearls
on a string.
She wrote this poem, already
in the green house, this morning.
Words flowed like wine
she shared with beetles
and bees—
she watched
yours drown
to the bottom
of a mug,
like filthy little
black grains.
In the night she stays up
with sharks over smoky tables
illuminated by low lamps
that interrogate hidden cards
at the breast.
Her eyes shoot like darts, but
never tell. She fans a winning
hand to ash a cigar and
take the pot.
My shadow stays up with the moon
on emerald velvet and fish bowls
of copper cognac. She dances into
silk and lace, to dizzying
records of jazz. Hungry
paws pounce after her,
as she toys, a
string of white
feathers to