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“A Mere Spark” by Kimberly Needham

“A Mere Spark” by Kimberly Needham
January 23, 2020 Nā Leo Literary Review


my life is like a spark of lightning. 

A moment strikes; 


Like you a tear in the sky, 

High through the trees; 

With buried knees. 

Like you, 

Writing cursive in the sky. 

Though you try 

it never looks quite right. 

A mighty, silent attack, then whack, 

And gone. 

A graceful heart fighting, 

Its destruction 

cannot be contained. 

Like you, struck with the fear of the Lord. 

Bowing in reverent awe. 

His power, breathtaking. 

Like you, 

Feeling the weight of my bolts. 

Feeling the electrical 

current through 

my veins. 

Like you, the eyes watching, 

Expecting a show, 

Flashy things, speed. 

Like you, 

content in the power I hold, 

Knowing God 

has all the control. 

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