The lightning struck in the distance, upon a shivering wave.
Lightning struck when I looked at her. Light splashed upon her face.
The lightning struck and rumbled deep with a crack just seconds later.
The lightning whipped and burned the shore to make an ugly crater.
I ran when the lightning struck the sand. I left the girl, which was fine.
Not a twinge of guilt when it struck her; the thundering close behind.
I didn’t feel bad when the lightning struck as she lay in disrepair because I said
“Follow me!” when the lightning struck, but she wanted to stay and stare.
Artist’s Statement:
“I thought of Striking when I was thinking back to a night where I was sitting on the beach with my friend. Lighting and thunder were striking the water out in the distance. My imagination started flowing, and I thought of an image of the lightning hitting us or the ground near us.
This piece is also about a more significant concept: don’t blame yourself for things that aren’t your fault. If bad things happen despite your best effort to help or prevent them, it’s not your fault. This character over exaggerates a chill attitude that some people have. I am not one of those people.”