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Britney Bautista’s Infallible Valentines Gift Guide 2021

Britney Bautista’s Infallible Valentines Gift Guide 2021
February 3, 2021 Britney Bautista

Love is in the air, as it’s February! If you are in a romantic connection, you might be getting ready to shower your sweetheart with aloha. You don’t have to go to the ends of the earth and back to show that special someone you care, it’s really a matter of being thoughtful and practical. Personal touches and simple items coupled with pretty packaging can create a heartfelt show of love and appreciation. This article will outline how you can use candy, stuffed animals, flowers, and much more with a wide variety of options to put together a special yet stress free gift for bae. Knowing what your significant other does and doesn’t like is the first place to start. Continue reading to follow the steps for how to put together an infallible Valentines gift!

Step One: Sweet Treat

The first thing to find is a sweet treat. Sweet treats range from candy items, to baked goods, to snazzy fruit options. If you know what candy your lover likes you can find that. It might be in fancy valentines packaging like lots of candy brands seasonal do, that’s a plus. You could go lots of different routes with the candy. You might want to get a sleek sophisticated box of chocolates, or you may want to keep it super playful with youth favorites like Reese’s or Sour Patch kids. What kind of “candy vibe” does your love share? For all those sweet tooth people out there, this is a perfect gift. I recommend getting a heart shaped box of milk, dark, white, sour, or even caramel chocolates! My favorite Valentine’s Day candy is the chocolate Dove candy that has pink wrapping and it can be gifted in the original packaging but maybe add in a few more candies in a mason jar or a basket filled with just candies. You may want to go the lollipop route, and in that case, get a bunch of lollipops and tie them up like a bouquet.

Other options for sweet treats are valentines themed cookies, cupcakes, or other desserts. People love to receive a decadent piece of red velvet or tiramisu cake. You could buy one from the grocery store, bakery, or even bake and decorate your own if you’re so inclined. Another valentines favorite is chocolate covered snacks! Mainly strawberries, but I’ve seen pretzels, bananas, and other innovations. Chocolate covered treats can be bought as well as made at home! Nowadays you can find specialized sweet treats made by local entrepreneurs who advertise on social media. Shopping local is always best!

Step Two: A Card Or Letter

There are so many ways you could go about this step, but this is another personal touch to include with your honey’s favorite sweet treat. The most economical way to go about this is, of course, to create your own home-made card. If you’re digitally-inclined you can print out a card featuring a photo of you two. You can add a photo of significance you two share, like a favorite animal, scenic view, or a quote you wish your lover to know. If you are so artistic you can design a card with drawing tools. You could even go as far as to put that piece of artwork, poem, or letter in a pretty frame. Take that even a step further and create a whole sign that could be added to your sweethearts home decor!

The simplest route that can still make a statement of love would be to purchase a card. You could go out and get any card, but I recommend getting a papyrus card. Papyrus is the gold standard of gift cards. Papyrus cards are always intricately made with dazzling decals and designs. These cards are top notch and will have the recipient in awe at the statement that a papyrus card makes. To say it with love, say it will Papyrus.

Step Three: Clothing And/Or Jewelry

The third thing to add to your Valentines gift for your other half would be an article of clothing or jewelry. This can go for either gender. Clothing for men can be as simple as a jacket or coat, a hat, or pair of shoes or house slippers. Printed boxers can be a fun touch. Men don’t mind receiving jewelry as well like a silver or gold chain or earrings if they have pierced ears. Women have a lot of options as well from heels, swimwear, cozy robes and even lingerie. Jewelry options for women are unending. Zodiac sign crystal on a necklace, a gold bar with the date engraved on it or a simple necklace or bracelet that you know your girlfriend would love. Many women here in the islands love the minimal gold chain or bangle style with Tahitian pearls. Get uber cute with a matching outfit that you and your boyfriend or girlfriend can wear in public together to really announce your love. Order shirts, pants, or both from your boyfriend or girlfriend’s favorite store. Matching aloha wear is another fun option. Truly, who doesn’t love to receive a good old fashion aloha shirt or dress?

Step Four: Combine And Wrap Items

Last you take all the items you’ve chosen for your gift and combine them in some kind of container.  You could make a gift basket of these items, or you could put them all in a cute box or gift bag.  Gift wrapping is an important part of this process because pretty packaging can really make or break your gift.  Throw a little dazzle in the presentation and even the simplest gift will shine.  Whatever combination of gifts you choose should have a special meaning or theme behind it.  You could also color-coordinate your gifts.  An all red, all white or all black presentation would be sleek, or you could keep it bright and playful with a rainbow theme.  If you want to add the cherries on top then take it even further with flowers and a stuffed animal.  This would definitely be the icing on the cake to an already well thought out and personalized heartfelt gift. 

Overall, I hope these gift ideas made it easier for you to choose a gift that’ll make your significant other feel special, loved, and treated right! It doesn’t matter what stage you are in your relationship, it could be dating for 2 months, 2 years, or even 20 years, and who knows, couples may have met and made it official on Valentine’s Day! Another piece of advice, prices doesn’t matter, these top recommendations I listed in this article are inexpensive and some are expensive and can make anyone feel happy on the inside and outside. This Valentine’s Day might be a little different than years prior but it makes everyone become a little more creative with the social distancing protocols in place to focus on each other’s needs and wants and forget about what is happening in the world for one day that is surrounded by the word of love. Valentine’s Day 2021 is right around the corner and I hope everyone has a day full of love and gets a little spoiled by their loved ones!

Britney Bautista

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