By Lorena Abreu
While “Super Man v Batman” continues to dominate box offices all over the world, “Miracles From Heaven” is still waiting for a miracle to reach the same goal.
“Miracles from Heaven”, directed by Patricia Riggen, is a movie based on a true story, and to be honest, those are the most heartwarming movies. It tells the story of a young 10-year-old girl, Anna Beam (Kylie Rogers), who suffers from a rare digestive disorder that doesn’t let her digestive system to work properly. Once food gets in her intestines, it stays there because the intestines can’t function. Anna finds herself miraculously cured after suffering a horrible accident.
The movie reflects a great aspect of faith. Christy Beam (Jennifer Garner), the mother of Anna Beam, is a faithful believer who ends up losing her faith because of what’s happening to her daughter. She can’t stand all the suffering they are going through and begins to wonder why God is not helping them during this time of suffering. Christy ends up finding herself in a deep depression caused by losing faith and hope. However, the rest of the family, Kevin Beam (Martin Henderson), who is “the man of the house,” and the rest of the other kids stay strong with their faith.
Although the movie seems to cater to the Christian community, it is still a great movie that reflects hope and kindness. How many of us have found ourselves helped by strangers, offers without hesitation? In everyday life, we witness those things happening and the movie emphasizes that so much. Those actions are very comforting and many people can relate to those scenarios, which truly makes the audience connect with the movie.
Whether you believe in God or not, “Miracles from Heaven” is the perfect movie to motivate you to have some kind of faith in life or maybe just to help you to see the goodness of the gospel. But, this review is not to persuade you into something you don’t believe in—and neither is the movie. If you are lost and need some kind of inspiration to get back on the horse, “Miracles from Heaven” is one of the best movies to give you hope and to show that miracles do exist.
All you have to do is believe.
The movie is rated PG for thematic material, including an accident and medical images. “Miracles from Heaven” deserves 4.5 stars for its heartwarming real-life experiences and for giving tremendous hope for obstacles we face on in life.
Comment (1)
This movie touched me as I suffered for 27yeqrs with epilepsy and 2 years ago I had my hardest fall which gave my eye sight a problem and causing severe depression and anxiety was my last fall today I’m 2years epilepsy free I remember I use to pray for a miracle was the hardest time of my life and I can only thank God I cry as I pray daily cause God did the cure for me hence they said there was no cure and God my God did it this movie touched me in many ways thank you for sharing