Workshop Details

Presenter: Jeff Goodwin, Hawaii 4-H Program Leader

Date: April 28, 2017

Topic: “The Care and Feeding of People” – Leadership Training

1. The 100/0 Principle – The simple but universal truth behind Al Ritter’s book of the same title is shared with the audience with some real life examples to help explain this key leadership principle.

2. Lifters and Learners – The poem from Ella Wheeler Wilcox, “Two Kinds of People” was the inspiration for this presentation which discusses the characteristics of the “two kinds of people” that we interact with in every aspect of our daily lives – and with which kind of people we wish to surround ourselves.

3. Mountain Climbing, Leadership, and Life – The leadership and life lessons learned by Jeff Goodwin while climbing 43 of Colorado’s 14,000 foo peaks are shared through this presentation.

4. Taking Stock in How We Work with Others – Whether working through contentious issues or just working with people in everyday life, the principles shared in this presentation are not only useful, they are shared in a hands-on, memorable way to accommodate any learning style.

5. The Things You Need to Know on Your First Day Here – With a little help from Kid President, Jeff Goodwin shared the things that new employees to a job or new volunteers to an organization need to know from the get-go!
