Workshop Details

Date: September 28, 2017

Presenters: Joyce Yamada, Derek Snyder, Celeste Baldwin, Melissa Kirkendall, and Lee Stein

Topic: Introduction to Scenarios Online Course – for New Faculty 101

The Fall 2017 Scenarios Online: Teaching for Learning course is beginning! Kickoff stars on October 12, 2017.

Scenarios is an online series of faculty professional development courses. It uses a case study approach to explore issues in teaching and learning.

Participants read a scenario (a multi-act drama), read a set of readings keyed to the issues raised by the scenario, and engage in discussions, surveys, and other activities with the other participants. The interaction is predominately online.

Scenarios is recognized system-wide as being a significant teaching methodology course. It is a great way to garner teachings tips, get connected with your colleagues and is encouraged for all new faculty.

Contact Joyce at if you wish to participate. All new faculty and lecturers are encouraged to participate!