Workshop Details
Dates: October 31 – November 1, 2017
- Organizational Team Fitness
- Change Management: Becoming a Quick-Change Artist
Presenter: Jim Bagnola, The Leadership Group International
Organizational Team Fitness (Day 1) – October 31, 2017
Topics Discussed:
– Partnership and Teaming
– The Learning Team
– The Five Dysfunctions
– Tools for Team Fitness
– Q&A on Specific Participant/Team Issues
Day One Agenda – Organizational Team Fitness
Organizational Team Fitness Presentation
- The Many Faces of Intelligence – In the Organizational Team Fitness Presentation Handout on pages 3-4, circle the top 3 intelligences that applies to you
- Pole Activity – Arrange yourselves in two lines with a pole in the middle. Using two fingers straight out, bring the pole down without dropping it and without putting your fingers on top or looping it around the pole
- Muscle Testing Activity – Have participant hold out his/her arm out with his/her thumb down. Using page 23 in the Organizational Team Fitness Presentation Handout, Learning Language vs Judgmental Language, have his/her partner say statements from each column. Then have the participant resist while the partner tries to bring the participant’s arm down. The body and mind will react according to the type of statement said
- Line Activity – With 11 pieces of paper on the ground, have two groups of 5 people on each piece of paper, facing each other, with the middle paper empty. The object is each person has to pass one another to go to the other side facing opposite directions. Restrictions: Only one person moves at a time; You must only move onto an empty piece of paper; No two persons on a paper
Change Management: Becoming a Quick-Change Artist (Day 2) – November 1, 2017
Topics Discussed:
– The Critical Biology of Change
– It’s Not the Change, It’s the Transition
– Realigning to Organizational Change: Resetting and Re-patterning
– Tools for Negotiating Change
– Q&A on Specific Participant/Team Issues
Day Two Agenda – Change Management: Becoming a Quick-Change Artist
Becoming a Quick-Change Artist Presentation
- Newspaper Activity – Have groups of people around a newspaper. Put one foot on the paper and one foot in the air, then fold the newspaper in half, and repeat the steps creatively