The cohort that starts in Spring 2018 will meet on Thursday afternoons from 3:00 to 4:30 PM in Ka Lama 102.

The meeting dates for the Spring semester are:

  • January 18 (Informational Meeting)
  • February 1
  • February 15
  • March 1
  • March 15
  • April 5
  • April 19
  • April 26

The cohort formed in Spring will continue until the end of Fall semester 2018.

There is also a cohort starting in Fall 2018 which is planned to meet on Wednesday afternoons at 3:00 PM. So if you cannot join this Spring, perhaps you can arrange to come starting Fall 2018 for the two semesters.

Purpose: To support “excellence in teaching and learning” by creating learning cohorts of instructors from across disciplines to support each other’s growth in the practice of teaching. Members will learn strategies for making courses more engaging,teaching content more effectively, improving and assessing student mastery, while enhancing professionalism and the intrinsic rewards and joys of teaching.

Benefits: Benefits are many including being more professional and enjoying your teaching more well as developing new strategies to help your students both while learning and while they are engaging in the learning process at UHMC. For faculty members, this experience will enhance your tenure and promotion documents; while lecturers will receive a stipend when the products are completed. In cohort meetings members will present and discuss plans, report on implementation, and get feedback from others.

Learn more: The Craft of Teaching Objective

For additional information contact one of the facilitators: BK Griesemer ( or Julie Powers (