Healthy Cooking at Molokai Education Center

What People Say

The Healthy Cooking classes gave me new alternatives to try in my household. I’ve honestly incorporated at least one meal per week in our family meals. The tofu dishes were amazing and it’s great that my hubby enjoyed them, too. More importantly, it’s opened my awareness and allowed me to experiment more with healthy dishes. I just returned from a family trip and I came back with some seeds to start my own garden. Wish me luck and thank you for allowing us to have these workshops available here at our workplace. Mahalo!

Did you benefit from participating in the program?
This program was very beneficial to my overall understanding of diet and how it directly impacts my health. Not only did the program provide hands-on experience in preparing and cooking healthy foods, but the presentations on the benefits of a plant-based diet was very informative. Although I haven’t completely converted to the vegan lifestyle, I definitely take into consideration the health factors of the food I consume, and the different health risks (especially heart disease) that come with eating too much meat.

What is the one thing you liked the most?
The one thing that I like the most about this program was learning the different ways to prepare veggies as meals and not just salads.

What could have been improved?
Having more workshops.

Do you think the presenter was knowledgeable in the subject area?
The presenter was very knowledgeable and patient in the subject area.

Has the participation in the program impacted your health/wellness? How?
The participation has definitely impacted my health. I’m now more conscious and aware of my meat consumption. I don’t eat as much beef or pork anymore. I haven’t given up chicken, fish, or deer yet, but its a definite start!

Would you like more training in this area?

Thank you for organizing these health and wellness workshops with Mercy!

The healthy cooking workshops were eye-opening. Growing up in Hawaii I’ve lived by this notion that meat is filling, meat is what the rest of the meal is centered around.  I’ve heard about plant-based diets, vegans, and vegetarians but the extent of my knowledge of these lifestyles stopped at what the dietary restriction for each are.  Mercy taught  not just the health benefits but also the environmental benefits. Being able to be a part of the preparation process and of course being able to enjoy the plant-based dishes we prepared proved that meat is not needed to have a delicious and filling meal. Although I am not yet ready to make the leap into a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle my perspective of food has changed.  Starting with a goal to eat less meat and more plants is a step in the right direction.

I enjoyed eating the dishes she prepared.  I try to eat healthy but not in that aspect.  Mercy is very knowledgeable and I learned a lot from her lecture.  What I enjoyed was the demonstration and how she kept us engaged.  Had dishes that I never would have experience.  No improvement I felt she gave us more than what she was compensated.  I would enjoy if we could more healthy workshops, whether it’s cooking, dieting, meal planning, etc.

Did you benefit from participating in the program?
Yes. I learned cooking techniques with the use of plant base food items.

What is the one thing you liked the most?
The one thing that I liked the most was that the products used to make the food dishes can all be purchased on-island.

What could have been improved?
More of an array of dishes

Do you think the presenter was knowledgeable in the subject area?
Yes, very much so

Has the participation in the program impacted your health/wellness? How?
Yes. I went home and tried to make the recipes in which the presenter shared.

Would you like more training in this area?
Yes, please 🙂

Did you benefit from participating in the program?
Yes, I believe that I learned ways to cook healthier by using different fresh veggies, spices and citruses to spice up my meals 😉

What is the one thing you liked the most?
I liked learning about healthier alternatives to everyday meals that we prepare that is not only healthy but taste great!!!!

What could have been improved?
Maybe having all staff be a little more involved in the hands on portion

Do you think the presenter was knowledgeable in the subject area?
Yes. You can definitely see Mercy’s passion for educating others on ways to keeping your body healthy through plant based foods

Has the participation in the program impacted your health/wellness? How?
Yes, I can now share what I’ve learned and incorporate it in to my families meals at home

Would you like more training in this area?
Yes, I love cooking and eating especially in new ways to do it healthier