Mid-Semester Check-In, Bookstore & Textbooks; Library Services

Date: October 11, 2018


  • Receive tools to assess your teaching/classroom in a low stakes environment and make adjustments toward an even better semester
  • Learn the process of bookstore and textbook orders by Assistant Bookstore Manager Tyler Dahlgren
  • (Did you know that faculty receive 20% off most bookstore items, not including computers or textbooks?)
  • Be dazzled by the innovative and friendly library services


Mid-Semester Classroom Assessment

Powers, Mid-Semester Check-In

Yamada, Mid-Semester Check-In

Horovitz, Mid-Semester Check-In


UHMC Library Get Research Help

UHMC Library Research Guides

UHMC Library My Library Packet

New Faculty Initiative - Mid-Semester Check-In, Textbooks, Library Services