Civil Service PD Day & Purpose Workshop
Date: February 7, 2020
- Enriching work experiences through professional development opportunities
- Increase awareness and the ability to support collaboration through skill training and self-care
- Defining areas of need where an exchange of ideas may lead to improved efficacy and sustainability
- 8:30 am – Chancellor Welcome (Chancellor Hokoana)
- 9:00 am – Icebreaker (Regina Corniel)
- 9:30 am – HGEA Update (Todd Watkins)
- 10:00 am – Purpose Workshop (Kaimana Brummel, Carissa Holley)
- 12:00 pm – Lunch (Hosted by Blue Zones Project); Individual Faculty & Staff Development Fund Info (Joyce Yamada)
- 12:30 pm – Vision Boards (Joyce Yamada, Ben Guerrero)
- 1:30 pm – End