Grant Writing Basics for UHMC Faculty & Staff

Presenter: UHMC Grant Development Management Coordinator Melissa Bonnin (

Objective: In this series of workshops, you will learn how to search and select appropriate funding sources, overview the grant process at UHMC, begin to formulate your project ideas, begin a budget, and identify components of a strong proposal.

The Grant Writing Basics Series will include large-group learning, breakout room activities, and time on your own to complete tasks. It is encouraged that you attend all of the workshops, if possible, as they will build on each other.

Workshop 1: The Big Picture, Finding Funding, and Selling Your Idea

TRIO/GEARUP Subgroup (option for those who are mostly preparing to re-write for their current grant): What set’s your program apart? Integrating innovative ideas and evidence-based practices

Date: April 24, 2020


Grant Writing Basics – Presentation – Workshop 1

Grant Writing Workshop 1 Materials (Concept Paper, TRIO and GEARUP Questions, Finding Funding)

Workshop 2: Understanding the Solicitation, Proposal Sections, and Telling Your Story

TRIO/GEARUP Subgroup: Review of programs regulation and current grant; telling students’ collective story through data

Date: May 8, 2020


Grant Writing Basics Series – Workshop 2 Presentation

Solicitation Checklist

You’re the Judge Activity

You’re the Judge Activity Key

DATA Resource List

Workshop 3: The Story of Your Budget & Grant Submission Process

Date: May 22, 2020

Objctive: Learn to develop your proposal budget and overview the UHMC / UH submission process. Work-on-your-own materials will be provided to develop a concept paper, goals, ojectives, and evaluation (simple getting started worksheets). The session will start with a question and answer session about solicitation.


Grant Writing Basics Workshop 3 Presentation

Activity 1 – Quick Solicitation Checklist


BUDGET – Cheat Sheet with Descriptions

BUDGET – Justification Sample

SUBMISSION – Process and Tips

UHMC Budget 101 Workshop

Workshop 4: Bring Your Ideas and Work for Peer Review!

Date: July 17, 2020

Objective: Check in for peer review of work done for those who are interested.

Melissa’s vision is to continue bi-weekly meetings for those who are developing a project idea (helpful to do prior to when a funding opportunity comes up), searching for funding, applying to an upcoming grant, keep motivation, provide guidance, and learn from each other.