Tenure/Promotion Orientation Meeting – UHMC Guidelines to Tenure & Promotion

Date: September 17, 2021

Presenters: Dean Kahele Dukelow; Dean Laura Nagle; CC Director of Human Resources Sandra Uyeno, and UHPA Associate Executive Director Jim Kardash


2021-22 Guidelines Tenure & Promotion

Community College Faculty Classification Plan

2021-2022 UHMC T&P Deadlines

2021-22 TP TEMPLATE-List of Assigned Time

2021-22 TP TEMPLATE-List of Courses Taught

2021-22 TP TEMPLATE-Employment History

2021-22 TP TEMPLATE-Education Background

UHMC Guidelines for Tenure and Promotion, 9-17-21 Chat Messages

Link to Slides of Tenure/Promotion Orientation Meeting 9-17-21