Kaʻao Institute: Training the Coaches

Date: September 2, 2022

Presenter: Dr. Taupōri Tangarō


RECORDING: Kaʻao Institute: Training the Coaches

  1. Purpose (Hua)     Why are we here
    Kaʻao Institute is catalyzed by UH’s strategic commitment to transform UH into a model indigenous serving institution of higher education, ensuring equity in the academic experience. UHMauCC uses Kaʻao as a FYE framework.
  2. Focus (Haʻalele)     Kaʻao coaches, a launch to meet the charge
    Via the Kaʻao Transformative Framework model, we launch into exploring the role personal and collective narratives have on student success.

    1. What is Kaʻao, where is Kaʻao emerging on the campus/UH system, and community? (Tangarō to give a temperature read of Kaʻao’s impact on community)
    2. How are you (coaches) using kaʻao and what are some of the outcomes? (coaches to introduce themselves, and speak briefly of their kaʻao experience on a personal developmental level, as well as exporting kaʻao into the profession)
  3. Journey (Huakaʻi)     How did our journey qualify us to become Kaʻao coaches?
    Based on your kaʻao journey experience, what experiences, skills, resources and support do we need to maximize Kaʻao for student success?

    1. Whiteboard activity, journeying into the support/coach/mentor colleagues at the following levels of understanding/implementing Kaʻao conceptually and practically?
      1. Hua (awareness)
      2. Haʻalele (awareness)
      3. Huakaʻi (developmental level)
      4. Hoʻina (proficiency level)
      5. Haʻina (sustainability level)
  4. Actions (Hoʻina)     How do we know Kaʻao is working?
    In the culture of evidence, what tools and measures to we create to assess Kaʻao efficacy?

    1. Assessing outcomes/models resources, tools, ideas
    2. Next steps in preparation for Kaʻao Institute: Onboarding and Mentorships (9/9)
  5. Reflection (Haʻina)     Back to you, what gem do you bring to Kaʻao coaching?
    For Kaʻao to work, it has to be profoundly meaningful. It has to be experienced for it to be authentic. In reflection…

    1. How is kaʻao meaningful to you as a person?
    2. As a professional,
      1. What will you continue doing because it supports kaʻao?
      2. What will you stop doing because it impedes kaʻao?
      3. What do you/we need to build anew to advance kaʻao as an institutional outcome of UHMauCC?