People Using Professional Development FundsFaculty and Staff professional development funding provides opportunities to promote individual professional growth and development.

Such progress comes through improvements in efficiency and effectiveness, resulting in faculty and staff members who feel positive about themselves, their jobs, and their skills, all working together in a supportive environment toward the Mission of UH Maui College and the UHCC system.

“Because of the professional development funding from FSDF I was able to attend CCCC, one of the biggest annual conferences for English teaching professionals in higher education. The multi-day conference was filled with engaging and enlightening presentations, panel discussions, and teaching exchange opportunities. The conference helped substantively shift my current approaches in the classroom, particularly in the way I approach feedback for student writing.” – Derek Snyder, English faculty

“The Faculty & Staff Development Fund provided me the opportunity to attend an out-of-state conference and network with colleagues from other colleges. The conference was not only refreshing but also provided me with added knowledge I didn’t know existed. I came back excited to share the many ideas and tricks I learned.” – Melissa Yoshioka, Testing Coordinator, TLC

Funding is available up to $2,000 over a two-year period for all applicants.

Total awards for each academic year is limited to no more than $10,000. with any funds not spent in a time period to be rolled over to the next award period.

Professional development activities eligible for funding include, but are not limited to:

  • Local, out-of-state, and online professional conferences
  • Workshops in distance learning and instructional technologies
  • Pedagogical and educational content seminars
  • Computer skills enhancement training
  • Establishment of partnerships with industries
  • Travel expenses including airfare, ground transportation, lodging, and airport parking and associated activities listed

Support is limited to a one-time award maximum of $1,500.

This award is available to only UH Maui College staff in the following bargaining units:

  • Unit 1 (blue collar, non-supervisory);
  • Unit 3 (white collar, non-supervisory);
  • Unit 4 (white collar, supervisory); and
  • Unit 8 (APT).

Professional development activities eligible for funding include, but are not limited to:

  • Skill certification programs
  • Expenses including course fee and other related fees such as registration fee, course supply fee, books, access codes, and other associated expenses

Information & Application Form

Faculty and Staff Development Fund Details
Staff Professional Development Course/Certification Award