Let’s Talk Science


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Saturday, Oct. 17 Agriculture at UHMC

We talk with Ann Emmsley about an experiment she started recently with her Horticulture class and visiting the class in the field to learn more about it. More information on the experiment can be found here.

Featured Guests:

Ann EmmsleyAnn Emmsley has her BS in Environmental Resource Management from Penn State and her Masters in Plant Protection and Pest Management from the University of Georgia. I have been teaching agriculture here at UHMC since August 1988. During that time I have taught many different classes including Crop Production, Irrigation, Greenhouse Management, Intro to Horticulture, Agribusiness management, Weed Science, Soil Science, Insects, Plant Disease, Hawaiian Plants, Landscape Design and Maintenance, Turfgrass management, and Hawaiian Food Plants. The Agriculture Program has three main areas - Sustainable Crop Production, Landscape Horticulture and Cultural and Natural Resource Management. All three share certain courses but each has some courses unique to the degree or certificate. Sustainable Crop production focuses on production agriculture - what most people think of when they think of agriculture. We are working to promote developing new farmers and well as other professionals working in the agriculture field. Landscape horticulture has an emphasis on the "green industry" of landscaping and nursery production. Landscaping and related areas is the largest agriculture sector in Hawaii but its often overlooked. Landscaping also has a big influence on society and sustainability. Students can work in the industry or become landscape entrepreneurs. Cultural and Natural Resource Management is an interdisciplinary area of study that combines agriculture courses with Hawaiian Studies and science courses. The focus is on promoting local people with local values into jobs to protect our natural and cultural resources in the islands.
Mach FukadaMach Fukada graduated from Kohala High School in 1987, received BS in Agriculture at the University of Hawaii-Hilo College of Agriculture in 1992, and in 1996 received MS in Entomology at the University of Hawaii-Manoa College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources. Of all the things he can claim it is that he brings diversity, he has also taught at Tokai University at Honolulu, while being the Network/Information Technology Administrator, and has been a teacher at Lahainaluna High School’s Agricultural Learning Center, and was briefly a federal law enforcement officer (USDA). As an Entomologist for the State of Hawaii Department of Agriculture he has led the fight against invasive insects, weeds, and plant diseases. In addition he is currently, teaching at the Agriculture Department at UH-Maui College and growing carnivorous plants at his small commercial nursery in Kula.

Hosted by Sally V. Irwin Ph.D.

Sally V. Irwin Ph.D. grew up and graduated high school in Michigan. SHe then moved between Florida and California and attended community colleges in both states before receiving her BS in Biology from San Diego State University and then her Masters and Ph.D. in Genetics from UC Davis with an emphasis in Plant Genetics. In between her Bachelors and Graduate work she worked for two years doing Cancer Research at Scripps Clinic in La Jolla California . Her graduate research focused on viral diseases in lettuce and the genes that conferred resistance. She came to Maui in 1996 to continue this work with CTAHR (UH Manoa) at the Maui Agricultural station. She started teaching at UHMC in addition to the research for CTAHR in the fall of 1997 and continued on with full time teaching in 1998. She has been a full time faculty member at UHMC since 1998 teaching Microbiology, Biology, Chemistry, Biotechnology and Genetics. Over the past 18 years she has been involved in several grants through the USDA, NSF and NIH along with a few others with the general focus of STEM education in K-12 and College level.She is currently a PI on the INBRE Biomedical research grant and is adjunct with the Cell and Molecular Biology Department at the John Burns Medical school. She is currently working with students on questions relating to the Human Gut Microbiiome.