Internship Site
Become an Internship Site
The Cooperative Education Program provides UH Maui College and University Center–Maui students with opportunities to develop awareness, explore opportunities, and gain practical work experience in this special program integrating academic and career interests. Students intern with companies for 75 to 225 hours per semester (max 20 hours per week during Fall or Spring or max 40 hours per week during Summer) career-related and productive work-based experiences.
A student can earn academic credit for his or her internship experience. Internships may be either paid or unpaid, as determined by the employer. Once registered, a company can post their internships which will be accessible to UH Maui College and University Center – Maui students and graduates.
What are the benefits of Co-op for Employers?
- Train and develop prospective future employees
- Reduce recruitment costs
- Co-op students have basic technical skills and knowledge through classroom experiences
- Co-op students seek employment opportunities in their fields of academic and career interest
- Support and assistance from the Co-op instructor and related faculty specific to industry
- Opportunity to be involved in the educational process and provide direct input to the College about employer’s training needs
Intern Site Mentor/Supervisor Expectation
- Provide meaningful activities to enhance student learning (orientation, training, and supervision)
- Assist students to accomplish and practice appropriate learning objectives
- Provide a safe working environment including training on how to properly use tools and equipment
- Compliance with all Federal and State regulations