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Interview with the Honor Society: Phi Theta Kappa’s President, Heather Kotok

Interview with the Honor Society: Phi Theta Kappa’s President, Heather Kotok
April 18, 2016 Ho‘oulu Staff

UH Maui College’s Phi Theta Kappa is a part of a national honor society focused on helping honor students succeed academically and in leadership. The Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) mission statement, “two-fold: 1) recognize and encourage the academic achievement of two-year college students and; 2) provide opportunities for individual growth and development through participation in honors, leadership, service and fellowship programming.” I had the opportunity to meet with Phi Theta Kappa’s President, Heather Kotok, and discuss PTK, campus leadership, and her motivation as a campus leader.

UH Maui College’s Phi Theta Kappa.

UH Maui College’s Phi Theta Kappa.

Campus Close Up (CCU): Can you tell me about PTK?

Heather: PTK is an honor society. PTK is geared towards two-year degrees and programs; however, because our campus is a hybrid of two and four year programs, all students can enjoy the benefits of being a PTK member regardless of the program they are in. PTK offers students the structure and tools to succeed.

CCU: Can you expand more on the “tools to succeed”?

Heather: Yes. We help students apply for scholarships. We have working groups to go over scholarship writing, applications and strengthening essays so our members have a better chance at scholarship and grant opportunities. PTK students have a 92 percent graduation rate; comparatively, Maui College has an 11 percent graduation rate. Scholarships and graduation rates are more than good grades, it takes determination and grit. PTK has four hallmarks for success: Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Fellowship.

CCU: Those are great graduation numbers! How has being President of PTK helped you be a better leader?

Heather: The President position has helped me work in a group setting better. Working with different groups and sometimes with groups of people that I haven’t met before is part of my role. I am learning how support other people and their visions. I am also learning how to work within the academic system while bringing PTK into the academic system. I am also working at delegating and not having to do everything.

CCU: A lot of leaders learn to delegate because they want to help with everything. Can you give me an example?

Heather: Yes. PTK officers and members have great ideas for projects, recently one of our members became passionate about a homeless person program. The program involves getting haircuts, interview workshops and good clothing for the homeless so they can present themselves to employers and to the community. We are looking into resources for this project because it’s a great project. The benefit of delegating is that I don’t have to do all the research and leg work myself, I have a team willing to help.

CCU: Wow, that’s a cool program! Are there benefits to being President or a member of PTK?

Heather: Of course! It’s great for networking. We’re an honor society so even being a member looks good on your resume. We’re also dedicated to being a student first. We know our members get busy with school obligations and we want to help, we’re students too!

CCU: What has been your challenge as President?

Heather: Besides learning how to delegate? Time management. Learning to manage my time better is how I learned to delegate. I learned how to be a part of the conversation and not having to control the conversation.

CCU: What can you tell me about the scholarship process?

Heather: Scholarships are more than forms to fill out, they include essays and often volunteering efforts. The volunteering efforts are great opportunities for social networking and trying new things. I volunteered to monitor a turtle birth and got to watch all these baby turtles hatch. I also partnered with other clubs like SOS Club for community service work.  These volunteer endeavors are enriching and great new experiences that go beyond volunteering to pad the scholarship application. This process helps to create a well-rounded citizen and campus student.

CCU: That’s a nice outlook. What do you think is an important resource for club leaders?

Heather: Encouraging the officers to collaborate with other clubs. Collaboration with other clubs and groups helps to strengthen your club and builds support for each other and the school’s student network. The four hallmarks of PTK, Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Fellowship, most clubs have similar goals for their members and in their mission. Together we can lift these goals and be successful. We should do more collaboration and build stronger relationships with each other!

Heather, on the left with two other PTK officers.

Heather, on the left, with two other PTK officers.

CCU: I agree. What advice do you have for any future student leaders?

Heather: Search out support systems with faculty and students. Seek out other leaders and learn how to run a meeting, facilitate, and lead a club. Get organized. Find your resources on campus and in the community, there are a lot of resources once you start to open doors. Again, collaborate with other clubs and learn from their officers, discover club communication ideas and share organizational successes.


Interested in learning more about Phi Theta Kappa? Please contact faculty advisor Ellen Peterson: epeterso@hawaii.edu. Heather is a student in the Sustainable Science Management Bachelor’s program and would love to talk with you, just say “aloha” when you see her.


Comment (1)

  1. Daytonnie McClain 6 years ago

    Can you get higher than a bachelors degree while being in ptk

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