KAHULUI, Hawaii – The UH Maui College Wellness Hui invites you to get out and join its first Walking Moai (walking group) on Thursday, February 22, 2018.
Anyone – students, faculty or staff, can participate and join the group. Registration is encouraged: info.bluezonesproject.com/cm/moai/uhmc
Two sessions are scheduled to accommodate more attendees. The first is from 12 noon to 2 p.m. and the second from 4 to 6 p.m. Sign up is at the Student Lounge in Pilina Building and the walks begin at 1 and 5 p.m. respectively. The Hui has identified a walking path within the campus.
UH Maui College has set a goal for the campus to be officially recognized as a Blue Zones Project Approved Worksite – a badge earned that implies well-being improvement initiatives are available to help its community make healthy choices in lifestyle, environment, policy and social networks. Those in the UH Maui community can also take a personal pledge by committing to adopting healthy habits into their lives.
Other projects are also being planned throughout the year such as:
• Friday, February 23 – Purpose Life Workshop in Ka Lama 104A from 2-4 p.m. (Wellness Hui members only)
• Wine at 5 in the Hookipa Building Courtyard from 5 p.m. onwards. (Open only to those who have registered for the Walking Moai)
• Cooking classes
• Fitness workshops
• Reviewing campus spaces to encourage movement
• Stress management and meditation workshops
See what events the Wellness Hui has planned for you at maui.hawaii.edu/wellness.
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Download the event poster and encourage your team to join: POSTER