In Review…

January 31st, All Club’s Day: On this day, all the club representatives joined together in the Student Lounge with presentations or handouts regarding their clubs. The purpose was to become acquainted with new students and share information about their perspective clubs. With over 20 active clubs in Spring 2019, there were many opportunities for students to get involved in the extracurricular activities.

February 14th, Message of Love in the Library: The library set up a station to leave “messages of love” in honor of Valentine’s Day. Students left various messages, including, “Be You Tiful” and “Love” and even some pickup lines including, “Are you a library book? Because I’m checking you out!” The library is known for having special events throughout the semester, and this is just another way to make school fun for UHMC students!

February 19th, 2019 History Day (History’s Triumph and Tragedy) : Over 160 middle and high-schoolers were hosted by The Hawaii Counsel for Humanities at UHMC. The students researched and presented different events throughout history that related to the two topics. The students’ presentations were presented via paper, exhibit, website, or documentary and then were judged based on historical accuracy, creativity, relation to theme, and adherence to the presentation guidelines. Finalists went on compete at district and even state level.

March 16th, Field Trip for Marine Mammal Biology Class: On March 16th, this class got to take a special field trip… out on the water! The students were hosted by Whale Trust, who provided the boat and crew, so the students could practice first-hand some of the methods they had learned in class. Specifically, the students learned how to conduct a focal follow, which is recording the behaviors, roles, and interactions of whales.

April 13th, Keiki Fest: This is an annual event on Maui, not always held on the UHMC campus. This year, the school was happy to host the family-oriented event as students from the Early Childhood Development program helped make this special day happen. The Great Lawn was packed with bouncy castles, games, contests, food vendors, and booths for several different family resources across the island. As the keiki played, parents were able to learn about the programs that are available on Maui to foster healthy development in children and families. Some of the different organizations present were PACT (Parents and Children Together), CFS (Child and Family Services), MFSS (Maui Family Support Services), and various local churches. Some of the specific resources these organizations offer are childcare options, parenting classes, regular home visits, counseling, case management, and more.

April 16th, Earth Day: This day was recognized by the Sustainability Club with booths on the Great Lawn. Members of the club shared “green” tips with students and even handed out gifts. Many students received reusable water bottles, which can be filled at one of the schools’s several purified water fountains. Some advocates from the community were invited by the club to set up booths, including the Whale Trust, which is an organization that conducts and promotes scientific research on whales. Whale Trust had several pairs of headphones set up at their booth, so students could listen to various recordings of whale sounds, including male and female interactions, female sounds, and singing.
Students with some of their gifts on Earth Day Students with Whale Trust at the Earth Day celebration
April 18th, Staff vs. Students Softball Game: A number of UHMC students and teachers joined together for a friendly game of softball. This served as a great way to get to know one another better, and some folks even brought along their families. At the end of the day, staff took the win!

April 29th, White Jacket Ceremony: This was an evening dedicated to honor the hard-working and passionate culinary students as they wrapped up their first year of culinary school. Receiving the jackets symbolized the culinary students’ continuance on a journey towards becoming a chef. The seven qualities of a great chef are: 1. Sacrifice 2. Humility 3. Creativity 4. Perseverance 5. Moderation 6. Organization 7. Flexibility

May 9th, Graduation: The ultimate goal for every student, this is a special event each semester as the community joins us to celebrate the success of their loved ones. There were about 250 students to walk at the commencement ceremony, but altogether over 700 students earned a degree in spring 2019. What a great way to wrap up an awesome semester!