Moving from Windows 10 to 11

Moving from Windows 10 to 11HomeBlogTechbitsIn this episode of Techbits, we’ll walk through the essentials of transitioning from Windows 10 to Windows 11. As Microsoft phases out support for Windows …

Trouble Logging onto a Website?

Trouble Logging onto a Website?HomeBlogTechbitsTroubleshooting login issues on websites can often be resolved by using a private tab in browsers like Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. In this Techbits episode, we’ll …

Downloading files from a Vlab Desktop to your computer

Downloading files from Vlab desktop to your computerHomeBlogTechbitsDownloading files from your Vlab desktop is an important part of efficiently using our Virtual Labs. In this episode of Techbits, we will …

Visitor Internet Access (VIA)

Visitor Internet Access (VIA)HomeBlogTechbitsNeed to provide a visitor with wifi access while on campus? We have the perfect solution for you. It is called Visitor Internet Access, or VIA for …

OS and Browser Updates

OS and Browser UpdatesHomeBlogTechbitsJust a friendly reminder to keep your computer’s operating system and software upto date. There are many ongoing attacks that target outdated software. The first line of …