SAP – Satisfactory Academic Progress

SAP – Satisfactory Academic Progress

Financial Aid Office Contact Information


Call: 808-984-3277

Fax: 808-984-3562

Mailing Address:

UH Maui College Financial Aid 

310 Ka’ahumanu Avenue,

 HI 96732-1617


Ho'okipa Building

Walk-In Hours:

Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 4:30pm

Financial Aid Personnel:

Kulamanu Ishihara

(808) 984-3277


Lori Feiteira
Ashley Andres

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)


Federal regulations require that a student receiving financial aid under the Title IV programs make satisfactory academic progress (SAP) in accordance with the standards set by the University of Hawaiʻi Maui College, University of Hawaiʻi Community Colleges, and the US Department of Education pursuant to 34 CFR 668.34. The law and federal regulations require that progress be determined using both qualitative and quantitative measures. Accordingly, financial aid recipients must be making academic progress towards their degree in order to continue financial aid eligibility. See below for more information regarding the SAP regulations.

Checking Your SAP Status

Follow these steps to lookup your Financial Aid academic status in MyUH portal

  1. Log into your MyUH Portal at
  2. Search “View My Financial Aid Information” and click on the search result “View My Financial Aid Information (All campuses)”
  3. Click on the Financial Aid tab
  4. Click on My Eligibility
  5. Select Maui College and the Aid Year (i.e. UH Maui College Aid Year 2021-22)
  6. Click on Submit
  7. Click on Academic Progress tab

Please review this information carefully.
*Note: If you are a new student the GPA and credit completion rate will show zeros.

Regulation: Meeting The Minimum Standards

The Minimum Standards

  • Students must maintain 2.00 GPA (cumulative) and complete at least 67% of their attempted coursework (cumulative).
  • Students must also be progressing through their educational program within a set time frame and must complete their degree program within 150% of the credits required for their degree program. All attempted credits previously mentioned will be applied towards a student’s time frame. Students who are unable to complete their program and achieve minimum SAP standards by the end of their timeframe may be determined ineligible for financial aid.

The Policies

Please read the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy and the Return to Title IV Policy by clicking on the links below:

Failure To Meet The Minimum Standards

Students who fail to meet the minimum standards will be ineligible for financial aid and placed on “Suspension” status.  Students can re-apply for financial aid once their academic standing meet the minimum standards noted above or by appealing their suspension.

Appealing Suspensions 

A student who is not eligible for financial aid is considered suspended, but may appeal if they have experienced unusual hardship that prevented the student from meeting the required standards. Situations must be beyond the student’s control and non-recurring in nature. Common situations of hardship include: 

  • Family difficulties, such as divorce or illness; 
  • Interpersonal problems with friends, roommates, significant others; 
  • Difficulty balancing work, family responsibilities, etc., and school; 
  • Financial difficulties.

Note:  Under federal guidelines, there will be certain situations where the Financial Aid Office may not be able to consider your appeal.  Each case is individual and will depend on a review of your entire academic history at the college.

Appeals Procedure

To submit an appeal click on the appropriate form link. Be sure to complete all sections of the form.

2024-2025 SAP Appeal Form

Appeals Processing

The appeal form (along with all supporting documentation) must be completed before the appeal will be reviewed by the committee.

  • The committee will notify students by email in one to three weeks.
  • If the reasons for the appeal are valid and a student can meet the minimum academic standards by the end of their financial aid time frame, we will notify the student by email regarding the next steps, which include an Academic Plan.
  • The Academic Plan will include conditions the student must meet in order to continue to be eligible for financial aid.
  • Once the Academic Plan is completed, the “Suspension” status will be changed to a “Probation” status and the student will be eligible for financial aid for the identified semester.
  • Students who appeals are not approved will be notified by email.

While on Probation

  • The Financial Aid Office will review the progress of all students in a probationary status and on an Academic Plan each term.
  • Students who meet the standards of their Academic Plan will continue to be eligible for aid.
  • Students who fail to meet the standards of their Academic Plan will be suspended and no longer eligible for financial aid.