Early Childhood Education – Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How many courses per semester should I take?
If you are working and/or have a family, usually 1-2 courses per semester. Some students may be able to handle more. Most courses are 3 credits each.
How do I apply?
First you fill out an application to the college. You’ll also need a TB and MMR clearance. Application is available

Then every semester you register for courses. Registration begins in November for Spring semester, and in April for Fall semester. The program coordinator or your assigned counselor can assist with choosing courses.
When do the semesters start and end?
Fall semester begins the last week of August, ends mid-December. Spring semester begins in early January, ends mid-May. General education courses are available during summer session, which is more expensive than fall/spring. Usually no ECED courses are offered during the summer.
How much time do I need to spend on classes?

Face-to-face classes meet 3 hours/week. You can expect to put in 6-9 hours more per class in readings and assignments.

Online classes will require 6-9 hours/week or more per class. Online is NOT easier – it is a different way of taking a course.

Can I do my degree online?
You can do some of your courses online. Since early childhood requires intensive interaction skills, most of your ECE classes are face-to-face or hybrid – a combination of online and face-to-face.