Understanding Your Grades

Understanding Your Grades

Letter grades are given in all courses. Grades signify the various levels of achievement in carrying out the performance objectives of the course. You will be informed of these criteria by the instructor who may use such methods as written papers, participation in class discussion, performance on assigned projects, and mid-term and final examinations.

Grade Grade Points Definition
A 4.0 Excellent achievement
B 3.0 Above-average achievement
C 2.0 Average achievement
D 1.0 Minimal passing achievement
F  0 Less than minimal passing achievement (0 grade points and 0 credits awarded. Course computed in GPA)
CR 0 Credit awarded (No grade points assigned and computed in GPA)
NC 0 No credit given and no grade points earned computed in GPA
CE 0 Credit-by-Examination Credit awarded for passing the examination with a “C” grade or higher (No grade points assigned and no credits computed in GPA)
W 0 Withdrawal from the course (No grade points assigned and no credits computed in GPA)
N 0 No grade assigned (No grade points assigned and no credits computed in GPA)
I  0 Incomplete coursework
L 0 Course was audited

  I    is used to indicate that the student has yet to complete a small but important part of the work for the course. It is given at the instructor’s option. Work must be made up by the end of the 10th week of the following semester. “I” reverts to a “contingency” grade assigned at the time of final evaluation. Grade may not revert to a “W.” An “I” grade, regardless of the contingency grade assigned, is considered non-completion of a course.

CR    is used to indicate passing with a “C” or higher for courses taken under the Credit/No Credit option.

NC   is used to indicate not passing with a “C” or higher grade for courses taken under the Credit/No Credit option.

W     is used to indicate formal withdrawal from a course after the first three weeks of the semester (or its equivalent in a shorter term course).

N      is used to indicate that the student has not achieved a minimal level of accomplishment.

L      is used to indicate that the course was audited by the student. No credit is given and no grade points are earned. The instructor will determine the extent of classroom participation required of the auditor.

Students may select the grading option desired via the My UH portal at the time of registration. They may elect to take most courses as either the graded Option I or the Credit/No Credit Option II.

If students do not change the grading option, they will receive a letter grade for the courses. If they wish to change the option to CR/NC, they must change it via the MyUHportal up to the deadline published in the Schedule of Classes. Change of option to Audit must be done in person at Admissions and Records.  It is the responsibility of students to inform instructors of the grading options elected prior to the deadline to change grades. Without a declaration, instructors will assume that students have elected Option I.