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Course Revision
Course Deletion
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Program Revision
Program Deletion

2004.01 - IS 101 Self-Development (deletion)
2004.02 - ICS 111 Introduction to Computer Science I (modification)
2004.02 - ICS 111 GRID (modification)
2004.03 - DH Dental Hygiene AS Degree (pending BOR action)
2004.03-22 - DH Dental Hygiene AS Degree GRID (addition)
2004.04 - DH 153 Assessment Procedures in Dental Hygiene (addition)
2004.05 - DH 155 Dental Emergencies (addition)
2004.06 - DH 156 Preclinical Dental Hygiene (addition)
2004.07 - DH 260 (addition)
2004.08 - DH 173 Dental Health Education (addition)
2004.09 - DH 254 Pathology for Dental Hygiene & Special Patient Populations (addition)
2004.10 - DH 255 Oral Pathology for Dental Hygiene (addition)
2004.11 - DH 256 Applied Pharmacology in Dentistry (addition)
2004.12 - DH 257 Periodontics I & Advanced Clinical Techniques (addition)
2004.13 - DH 258 Periodontics 2 & Advanced Clinical Techniques (addition)
2004.14 - DH 261 Clinical Dental Hygiene 2 (addition)
2004.15 - DH 262  Clinical Dental Hygiene 3 (addition)
2004.16 - DH 263  Clinical Dental Hygiene 4 (addition)
2004.17 - DH 264 Community Dental Health (addition)
2004.18 - DH 265 Law & Ethics in Dental Hygiene (addition)
2004.19 - DH 266 Local Anesthesia & Pain Control (addition)
2004.20 - DH 267 Dental Radiology & Interpretation (addition)
2004.21 - DH 268 Advanced Dental Radiology & Interpretation (addition)
2004.22 - DH 269 Clinical Dental Radiology & Interpretation (addition)
2004.23 - ECET High Performance Computing CC (addition)
2004.24 - ACC 300 Intermediate Accounting I CAR (modification)
2004.24 - ACC 300 Intermediate Accounting I CO (modification)
2004.25 - BUS 318 Principles of Finance CAR (modification)
2004.25 - BUS 318 Principles of Finance CO (modification)
2004.26 - MGT 310 Principles of Management CAR (modification)
2004.26 - MGT 310 Principles of Management CO (modification)
2004.27 - MKT 300 Principles of Marketing CAR (modification)
2004.27 - MKT 300 Principles of Marketing CO (modification)
2004.28 - ICS 214 Principles of Design for Print and Web (addition)
2004.29 - GEOG 102 World Regional Geography (modification)
2004.30 - GEOG 122 Geography of Hawai'i (addition)
2004.31 - GEOG 151 Geography in Contemporary Society (addition)  
2004.29-31 - GEOG GRID
2004.32 - ICS 55 Computer Applications for Vocational Education (withdrawn)
2004.33 - NURS 16 Nurse Aide Training (modification)
2004.33 - NURS GRID
2004.34 - ICS 272 Digital Imaging and Animation (addition)
2004.34 - ICS 272 GRID
2004.35 - MATH 111 Math for Elementary Teachers I (modification)
2004.36 - MATH 112 Math for Elementary Teachers II (addition)
2004.35&36 - MATH GRID
2004.37 - BUS 150 Personal Finance (modification)
2004.37 - BUS 150 GRID (modification)
2004.38 - ECON 150 Personal Finance (addition)
2004.38 - ECON 150 GRID (addition)
2004.39 - ABIT BAS (modification)
2004.40 - BUS 301 Introduction to ABIT (addition)
2004.41 - BUS 320 Entrepreneurship - Opportunity Recognition and Evaluation (addition)
2004.42 - BUS 322 New Venture Leadership (addition)
2004.43 - BUS 415 Entrepreneurial Business Planning (addition)
2004.44 - BUS 420 Global Business Strategies (addition)
2004.45 - MGT 400 Managing the Growing Business (addition)
2004.46 - MKT 400 New Venture Marketing (addition)
2004.47 - BUS 495 ABIT Capstone (addition)
2004.48 - ICS 320 Introduction to Information Systems and E-Commerce (addition)
2004.49 - ICS 360 Database Application Design (addition)
2004.50 - ICS 385 Electronic Commerce (addition)
2004.51 - ICS 420 E-Commerce Development (addition)
2004.52 - COM 459 Intercultural Communication II (addition)
2004.53 - ENG 310 Research and Writing (addition)
2004.53 - ENG 310 GRID (addition)
2004.54 - PHIL 323 Professional Ethics (addition)
2004.54 - PHIL 323 GRID (addition)
2004.55 - PSY 353 Conflict Management and Resolution (addition)
2004.56 - COM 353 Conflict Management and Resolution (addition)
2004.57 - Business Careers Program (modification)
2004.58 - HOST Hospitality Management AS (withdrawn)
2004.58 - HOST MAP (modification)
2004.59 - HOST 20 Orientation to Travel Industry (modification)
2004.60 - HOST 101 Introduction to Hospitality Industry (addition)
2004.61 - HOST 152 Front Office Operations (modification)
2004.62 - HOST 150 Housekeeping Operations (modification)
2004.63 - HOST 154 Introduction to Food and Beverage (addition)
2004.64 - HOST 193 Hospitality Internship I (withdrawn)
2004.65 - HOST 250 Hospitality Sales & Marketing (modification)
2004.66 - HOST 260 Hospitality Law (modification)
2004.67 - HOST 270 Hospitality Management (modification)
2004.68 - HOST 298 Hospitality Capstone (modification)
2004.69 - HOST 293v Hospitality Internship II (modification)
2004.59-69 - HOST GRID
2004.70 - ACC 30B Hotel Accounting (deletion)
2004.71 - HOST Program & CertCo (addition)
2004.72 - Digital Media AS (addition)
2004.73 - ICS 245 Advanced Computer Graphics Design (addition)


Last modified: 10/19/2011