Access to Accommodations
Do you qualify for services?
Students with disabilities, including intellectual disabilities, may be provided with academic accommodations after completing the intake process. In accordance with Section 84.4 of the federal rules and regulations governing Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, no qualified individual with a disability shall, on the basis of their disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity which receives or benefits from federal financial assistance.
- How to Attain Services
- Responsibility of the College
- Academic Accommodations
- Reasonable Accommodation
- Forms
Temporary Medical Conditions
Temporary medical conditions such as injuries, surgeries or acute illnesses may not qualify as permanent disabling conditions. The faculty and staff are aware that these conditions impact students’ ability to attend classes and complete work effectively. Disability Services will provide assistance to students and guidance on working with a temporary condition while attending UH Maui College, including referrals to relevant programs and personnel.
bottom of Services for Students with Disabilities
Test Accommodations
A qualified student with a disability including intellectual disability may be provided with accommodations during tests. Accommodations may include but are not limited to:
- distraction-reduced space
- extended time
- reader
- scribe
- assistive technology (CCTV, Dragon Dictation, Kurzweil 3000, Zoom Text, Sonocent, Smart Pen Technologies)
- alternative media (e-text, enlargement)
- word processor
Testing accommodations cannot be made to change, alter, or modify the content, structure, or integrity of the examination.
- Notify your professor of your intent to take the test with accommodations. Plan to start the test at the same time as your classmates. All changes must be approved by your professor.
- At least one week in advance of the exam, make arrangements for a scribe, reader, etc., through the Disabilities Services Counselor. Make arrangements with The Learning Center (TLC) to reserve a distraction-reduced room, if needed.
- If the test is to be taken at TLC, provide the following:
- student ID
- contact information
- test date/time
- course
- length of test
- test conditions (provide document)
- full name of professor
- professor’s contact information
- Please refrain from bringing valuables to the test site. UHMC will not be responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items.
- The following items are NOT allowed in the testing area:
- unauthorized notes, books, electronic devices
- personal items
- food and drinks (unless medically prescribed)
- You will need to remain in the testing area once the exam has begun. Please use the restroom prior to the exam.
- You are responsible for all personal test materials (i.e. pen, pencil, calculator). If you need to retrieve them prior to the test start, upon your return, you will be given the remainder of the allotted time.
- All scratch paper will be provided and returned to your professor with the test.
- If testing irregularities are observed or if there is suspected evidence of cheating, the test will be stopped, and all materials will be confiscated and turned in to the appropriate faculty member with an incident report filed with the Vice-Chancellor of Academic Affairs. You may be charged with academic misconduct, which may result in your dismissal from UH Maui College.
- You must arrive on time to take a scheduled test.
- If you arrive late for a scheduled test, the amount of time you are late will be deducted from the total time.
- The allotted time may NOT be used for studying.
- If you are unable to take your test at the scheduled time, contact your Professor immediately. Contact TLC, if applicable, so that the exam space can be made available to other students.
- You are responsible to initiate the process to reschedule a test.
bottom of Test Accommodations
Note Taking Assistance Services
Individuals with various disabilities are provided with class notes as a supplement to their notes. Note takers enable a qualified student with a disability to receive helpful study tools as part of his or her coursework.
Note takers are utilized when an individual’s disability makes it difficult to physically take notes, listen to the instructor, pay attention, maintain focus, and/or use sign language interpreters.
Note takers are recruited by soliciting academically strong students who are interested in providing this service. UHMC will employ such individuals for the term of the course. Generally, individuals that provide this service are in the same class as the student with a disability requesting the service.
Note takers bring their notes to the Counseling Office to be copied or they will email their notes to the Disability Services Counselor. Notes that are copied will be placed in the student’s folder in the basket across from the Disability Services office. Notes that are emailed will be forwarded to the student’s UH email.
Note takers are NOT tutors, mobility assistants, nor aides. They are not required to provide any other forms of accommodations or assistance to the student with a disability.
bottom of Note Taking Assistance Services
Readers and Scribes
Readers are essentially the eyes for students with disabilities. Readers read for students who are visually impaired or who have certain types of learning disabilities. Generally, readers are only used for test taking. Reading materials for classes will be provided in alternative formats agreed upon with the student.
Scribes are the hands for students with disabilities. They are provided for students with certain types of disabilities that impede their ability to write. Scribes are instructed to write what is dictated by students and do not correct grammar, punctuation, or incorrect answers while they are transcribing.
Readers and scribes are NOT tutors. They will NOT provide any feedback on class assignments, examinations, or other classroom activities.
Readers and scribes are NOT provided to students with disabilities to assist with homework assignments. Should students be interested in such services, they will incur the cost of such service on their own.
bottom of Readers/Scribes
Assistive Technology
Assistive Technology is defined as “any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities. AT service is directly assisting an individual with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device.”
Source: The US technology-related assistance for individuals with disabilities act of 1988, Section 3.1. Public Law 100-407, August 9, 1988 (renewed in 1998 in the Clinton Assistive Technology Act) –
Eligible students will be able to use specialized assistive technological devices upon clearance by the Disability Services Counselor. Documentation provided will need to show the need for the device in order to provide equal opportunity for participation in the academic environment.
Should the student not possess the device AND is active with DVR or other rehabilitation agencies, the student will contact the rehabilitation counselor to inform them of the situation. If the student is not active with DVR or other rehabilitation agencies, the Disability Services Counselor will take the lead in assessing the need and providing the service as appropriate to the student’s needs while the student is on campus. Should there be a continued need outside of the classroom or off campus, it will be student’s responsibility to secure, purchase, and obtain the device.
The Disability Coordinator has portable equipment that may be borrowed:
- handheld digital recorders
- smart pens
- FM amplification systems
- enlarged keyboards
- magnification items
To insure that the equipment is returned and in the same condition it was in when borrowed, students borrowing the equipment will sign an agreement stating their understanding that should the equipment to damaged or not returned, their UHMC account will be charged accordingly. Until this fee is paid, students will not be unable to register, obtain transcripts, and graduate (see Equipment Loan Agreement (pdf).
It should be noted that UHMC is NOT responsible for purchasing any assistive technology devices of a personal use for the students (i.e. for any device to be used off campus, in home, or on personal computers).
bottom of Assistive Technology
Interpreter Services
When appropriately documented, students who are deaf are able to use interpreter services to assist in providing equal opportunity for participation in the academic environment.
Interpreters must possess a Hawaii General Excise Tax License and provide photo copies of Registry of Interpreters (RID) or local Hawaii certifications. Interpreters are expected to be professional and follow the RID Code of Ethics. Interpreters who fail to comply with duties once warned of a problem may be replaced in order to maintain a high level of service.
Interpreters will be paid according to the Hawaii Administrative Rules and Registry for Interpreters certification levels. Interpreters with NAD certification are responsible for providing adequate documentation that validates the rate of pay that they are requesting.
Invoices should be submitted in a timely manner to the appropriate billing source to facilitate timely payments. Mileage is paid at federal reimbursement rates and must indicate starting, midpoint (UHMC), and endpoint.
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Personal Attendant Services
Personal needs that necessitate an attendant are the responsibilities of the student (personal care attendants, therapeutic aides, mobility aides, etc.). UHMC will not be involved in arranging for, scheduling, or paying for such services.
Section 104.44
The Disability Services Counselor will be involved in working with faculty and staff in notifying them of the assistant that will be accompanying the student to class.
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Service Animals
Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) state that service animals shall not be excluded from university and college facilities or activities. The ADAAA defines a service animal as: “…any dog or miniature horse that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including, but not limited to, guiding individuals with impaired vision, altering individuals who are hearing impaired to intruders or sounds, providing minimal protection or rescue work, pulling a wheelchair, or fetching dropped items.”
To work on campus, a service animal must be specifically trained to perform a service function the individual with a disability cannot perform for themselves.
The Hawaii Revised Statutes (515‐3) provides further definitions:
- Guide Dogs assist people on who are blind or who have low vision. The animals provide mobility guidance in the community.
- Signal Dogs assist people with hearing losses. The animals may perform functions such as alerting persons to sounds such as the doorbell or the telephone ringing.
- Service Dogs or Service Animals assist people with mobility and other disabilities. The animals may assist by pulling wheelchairs, picking up items, carrying items, or assisting persons with balance.
- SsigDogs (sensory signal or social signal dogs) are trained to assist people with autism. A signal dog alerts the partner to distracting repetitive movements common among those with autism, allowing the person to stop the movement (i.e., hand flapping).
- Seizure Response Dogs are trained to assist people with seizures. A seizure response dog may stand guard over the person during a seizure, or the dog may go for help. A few dogs have somehow learned to predict a seizure and warn the person in advance.
- Per Hawaii Administrative Rules, Chapter 111, pets or animals are prohibited on state facilities and grounds with the exception of service, guide, and signal animals.
- A service animal, in relation to accommodating a disability, is not a pet.
- Service animals MUST perform specific functions and tasks that the individual with a disability cannot perform alone. An animal which merely provides companionship and which is not trained to perform tasks is not a service animal.
- In Hawaii there is a process for an individual who chooses to have their animal licensed; however, it is not required.
- Allow the service animal to accompany the student with a disability at all times and everywhere on campus except where service animals are specifically prohibited (see Off-Limits Areas to Service Animals).
- Do not pet or feed a service animal.
- Do not deliberately startle a service animal.
- Do not separate or attempt to separate the animal from the student with a disability.
- All requirements for the presence of animals in public places mandated by state or local laws, rules, and regulations must be followed (vaccinations, licensure, ID tags).
- Though a service animal may not necessarily be harnessed, it is expected that the animal remains under the control and direct supervision of the person with a disability and not stray unattended in the facility or site. Under state law, if the service animal is a dog, it should be on a leash.
- Appropriate, non‐disruptive behavior is expected from a service animal.
- If the service dog exhibits unacceptable behavior, the student with a disability is expected to employ the proper training techniques to correct the situation.
- If a service animal’s behavior poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others, it can be excluded and/or removed from campus. For example, if a service animal displays vicious behavior towards others, the animal will be banned.
- The care and/or supervision of a service animal are the responsibility of the owner. The student must follow state or local laws, rules and regulations regarding cleaning up after the animal defecates. Students with disabilities who physically cannot clean up after their own service animal may not be required to pick up and dispose feces.
- Should the service animal behave in an unruly or disruptive manner (i.e., barking, running around, bringing attention to itself), UHMC may ask the student with a disability to remove the animal from campus. If the improper behavior happens repeatedly, the student with a disability may be told not to bring the animal onto campus until significant steps are taken to modify the behavior.
- Service animals that are ill should not be taken into public areas and may be asked to be removed from campus.
- Service animals should be clean and properly groomed. An animal that becomes wet from walking in the rain, but otherwise clean, will be considered a clean animal.
- Research Laboratories: Areas where the natural organisms carried by dogs and other animals may negatively affect the outcome of research. Conversely, some chemicals and/or organisms used in the research may be harmful to service animals.
- Mechanical Rooms and Custodial Closets: Boiler rooms, facility equipment rooms, electrical closets, elevator control rooms, and custodial closets are off-limits as machinery or chemicals may be harmful to the animals.
- Areas Where Protective Equipment is Required
- Areas Where There is a Danger to the Service Animal: Any room, including a classroom, where there are sharp metal cuttings or other sharp objects on the floor or protruding from a surface, where there are hot materials on the floor, where there are high levels of dust, or where there is moving machinery, is off‐limits to service animals.
Exceptions will be granted on a case‐by‐case basis. In consultation with the instructor, student with a disability, and the Disabilities Coordinator, a decision will be made. The final decision shall be made based on the nature of the research or machinery and in the best interest of the animal.
Example: The machinery in a classroom may have moving parts at a height such that the tail of a large dog could easily be caught in it; this is a valid reason to keep large dogs out. However, a very small hearing dog may be shorter than any moving part and, therefore, considered for admission to the classroom.
bottom of Service Animals
Assistive Technology Computer Lab
The Assistive Technology Computer Lab (AT Lab) is located in the Pilina Building. Students with disabilities are welcome to use the computers that are equipped with assistive technology software. Additional computers with assistive technology are located at The Learning Center and the Library. All are exclusively yours to use during the following days and hours:
- Assistive Technology Lab: by Appointment
- The Learning Center: M-TR – 9:00 am to 6:00 pm and F-SAT – 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Library: M-TR – 8:00 am to 6:00 pm and F – 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
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How to Attain Services
- Contact the Disability Services Counselor at UH Maui College and identify yourself as a student with a disability.
- Provide accurate documentation(s) regarding your disability. This should be handed in to the Disability Services Counselor.
- Set an appointment to meet with the Disability Services Counselor to discuss possible accommodations available to you.
- Letters are given to you to inform instructional faculty of needed accommodations, or are provided directly to appropriate instructional faculty at your request. You do not need to notify professors or third parties of your disability; this is optional and not required. You only need to notify them of your accommodation needs. The Disability Services Counselor will not disclose any personal information on your behalf.
- You should have a conversation with your instructor regarding how the requested accommodations will be implemented in that particular class. Testing accommodations need to be agreed upon in advance.
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Responsibility of the College
Through the University of Hawaii Maui College’s Disability Services Office, the college provides a variety of services to students with disabilities including individuals with Intellectual Disabilities, based on individual documentation and needs. The responsibility of the college is to provide reasonable accommodations on a case-by-case basis and to afford equal opportunity for student participation in the institution’s programs, activities, and services. It is also the responsibility of the college to:
- Maintain the college’s academic standards.
- Ensure that college courses, programs, services, jobs, activities, and facilities, when viewed in their entirety, are offered in the most integrated and appropriate settings.
- Provide information regarding policies and procedures to students with disabilities and assure its availability in accessible formats upon request.
- Provide reasonable and appropriate accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids for students with disabilities upon a timely request by a student.
- Maintain confidentiality of records and communication concerning students with disabilities, except where disclosure is required by law or authorized by the student.
*Students desiring academic accommodations are advised to call the Disability Services Counselor as early as possible to ensure timely provisions of services.
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Academic Accommodations
Academic accommodations are provided to enable students with disabilities, including intellectual disabilities, equal academic access and/or equal opportunity. It is a change in the learning environment that may include services such as academic accessibility through adjustments, supports, and/or physical accessibility. The student must be “otherwise qualified” and the standards of the institution need not be compromised. Further, academic accommodations are determined on a case-by-case situation and based on individual needs.
Criteria for Accommodations
- must be reasonable
- does not impose an undue hardship to the operations of the program
- does not change or modify the integrity of a degree, program, class, and or examination
- must include accessible facilities
- allows for reasonable modification of equipment or assistive devices as necessary
- allows for readers and or interpreters as necessary
- allows for testing modifications as necessary
- allows for the use of necessary auxiliary aids such as alternative text, tape recorders, and classroom equipment
- allows for modifications to the length of time allowed to complete degree requirements
- does not impose a significant threat to the health and safety of others
Universities need not provide attendants, individually prescribed devices, readers for personal use or study, or other devices for services of a personal nature (Section 504‐104.44). Some examples include personal care attendants, therapeutic aides, and mobility aides.
Aids, benefits, and services, to be equally effective, are not required to produce the identical result or level of achievement for disabled and non‐disabled persons, but they must afford individuals with disabilities equal opportunity to obtain the same result, to gain the same benefit or to reach the same level of achievement in the most integrated setting as possible to the person’s need (Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Subpart E).
Academic accommodations are flexible to meet the needs of students with various disabilities. Accommodations must be consistent with their individual needs based on the associated functional limitation of the student’s disability. Requests that alter the academic standards of the course or program will not be granted. Accommodations must be requested in a timely manner to allow for securing the necessary resources (personnel, coordination, etc.). If the accommodation is not requested in a timely manner, delays in obtaining the accommodation should be anticipated, and in certain cases, denied.
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Reasonable Accommodation
Reasonable accommodation is the term used by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for modifications made to the learning environment that helps to create equal educational opportunity. It does not require that students with disabilities be given special advantages in order to help them pass, nor does it require that they are graded on a scale differently from their classmates.
Depending on your disability documentation, your experience with accommodations, and your preferences, the Disability Coordinator will provide access to the appropriate accommodation.
- extended test time
- distraction-reduced environment
- readers/scribes
- enlargement of printed material
- assistive technology
- use of a simple calculator
- audio recorded material
- other alternative formats
- note takers
- class relocation
- assistive technology
- sign language interpreter
- text in alternative formats
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end of Services for Students with Disabilities page