Ho’okele Program


Graduation 2024


Ho'okele Program

An Early College partnership to provide all High School Students of Moloka’i equal opportunities to higher education.

Program Information

Students from 9th – 12th grade can begin taking college-level courses.  This dual credit program allows students to earn high school credits as well as college credits saving students and their families time and money.  It is proven that students who participate in Early College Programs have a smoother transition into college after high school and greater success in their college years.  Scholarships, mentoring, and tutoring services are available for qualified students.

How to Apply

Meet with the Ho’okele Coordinator, Jorah Var, to explore and assess your individual interests, goals, and needs.  Meetings can be conducted in person, virtually, or by phone.  To schedule, email Jorah at jorahv@hawaii.edu or call her at (808) 984-3332.

EdReady Placement/Readiness


Email Susan Nartatez at snartate@hawaii.edu to request help with placement testing and the results of test.


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Academic Help

Academic Counseling

Scheduling Academic Advising Appointment

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Personal Support Counseling

Student Support

Online Tutoring 24/7

Ordering Books

Student ID

Laulima Tutorials

Library Services

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